Meet Jesus: Jesus meets with the powerful
Jesus meets with the powerful
John 18:28-19:22
- God’s unstoppable plan (John 18:28-39)
- Jesus predicts his death - John 2:19 & John 12:30-33
- Grasping at power (John 19:1-16)
- Why does Pilate beat up Jesus?
- Jesus the great substitute (John 19:17-22)
- ‘The founders of every other major religion essentially came as teachers, not as saviours. They came to say: “Do this and you will find the divine.” But Jesus came essentially as a saviour rather than a teacher (though he was that as well). Jesus says “I am the divine come to you, to do what you could not do for yourselves.” The Christian message is that we are saved not by our record, but by Christ’s record.’ (Tim Keller)
Categories | Meet Jesus | Sylvester
Filetype: MP4 - Size: 375.02MB - Duration: 32:04 m